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Injury Kit - Homeopathic First Aid for Animals and Humans

Injury Kit - Homeopathic First Aid for Animals and Humans

Regular price $88.00

Injury Kit - Homeopathic First Aid for Animals and Humans

This is a highly effective first aid kit and can greatly improve the outcome of any and all injuries.

It does not replace Medical or Veterinary attention.
Always seek medical/veterinary attention for serious conditions - immediately.

There are three remedies (two are in combination for a total of 4 remedies) with complete dosing instructions.
The remedies are in a super convenient liquid spray for immediate dosing. No waiting for pellets to dissolve.
Remedies are multifaceted and can be used in other first aid conditions.
Instructions are sent with the kit.
Pocket/Purse size. (3x4" approx) envelope size.

Envelope color varies.
For use with animals and humans.

5ml vials (approx. 80 doses) each. 3 vials.
This kit is good for 8-10 years. Keep out of direct heat.
Includes shipping in the US only.

Remedies included in kit:


ARNICA 200C: Injuries of any kind physical/mental. effects of overuse or over-exertion, focus on soft tissues of the body, esp. muscles. bleeding in any area, thrombosis, fear of being touched, low pain threshold, excellent blood cleanser, much more.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30c: injury to ligaments, pain and stiffness better with movement, Iritis, eye injuries, conditions after getting wet, dysentery, bloody urine, swollen inflamed joints, skin itching inflammation from toxic plants/bites (first aid only)

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30c: injury to tendons, tendon sheaths, bone, cartilage, bruises, sprains, affinity to smaller joints, back pain/pressure, stiffness and pain in lower limbs, hind leg weakness/collapse

HEPAR SULPHUR 30c: homeopathic antibiotic
where there is pain, infection, pus formation
hastens ripening of any abscesses that need to mature and discharge. ocular conjunctivitis - first aid only, then consult professional. ocular corneal ulcerations (from injury) - first aid only, then consult professional

RUTA AND RHUS ARE IN COMBINATION - this kit contain 4 remedies, 3 vials in total.

Shipping and tax is included. shipping by USPost 2 day priority mail in us only.