My Story & Client Testimonials - Human & Veterinary
Homeopathy - What is it and how can it help?
Homeopathy is a clinical science discovered by Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann (late 1790's), a German physician, who introduced homeopathy to the world. Besides being a master chemist, linguist and botanist, this Renaissance genius can also be called the first psychiatrist.
Homeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is practiced almost all over the world.
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that utilizes minute doses of carefully selected ingredients made from plants, mineral sources, and many other natural substances, to enhance the body's natural healing processes. Its strength lies in its marked effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through the promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. Most of all, the right homeopathic remedy stimulates self-healing.
Horses, esp., are highly evolved beings and they respond quickly to Homeopathy. They seem to understand its energy and go with it. Animals, in general, do not attach themselves to a diagnosis like humans do, mentally and emotionally. Homeopathy is very effective in the treatment of horses/animals, humans and plants/agriculture.
Why chose Homeopathic Medicine?
Homeopathy recognizes the inseparability of body and mind. Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease. Homeopathy believes in a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach. This makes Homeopathy the true and rational art of healing. Also, Homeopathy is safe to use when many other types of treatments may not be recommended, such as in case of newborns and during pregnancy.
How does Homeopathy Work?
Homeopathy works on the principle of "Similia Similibus Curenter" which means, "Let Like be cured by Likes", (AcA) derived from the Natural Law of Nature. In this, the medicine administered to the diseased individual is such that if given to a healthy person it produces a similar disease as found in the diseased individual. Thus when the pathogenesis of the medicine matches with the symptoms of the diseased person, this medicine is called the "Similimum" which certainly leads to cure. Unlike any other system of medicine, the remedies used in Homeopathy have been previously proven on healthy human beings, therefore, their actions and reactions are fully known to the Homeopaths. This makes Homeopathy the true and rational art of healing.
Homeopathic medicines are easy to administer. Homeopathy can treat various illnesses. Both Acute and Chronic.
Clinical Homeopathic practice is a life time endeavor. My homeopathic learning started very early and will continue for the rest of my life. My most important formal education included years with Master Homeopathic Surgeons - experts/mentors worldwide. And each case, as individual as they are, further my passion for this incredibly intelligent, compassionate, and healing medicine.
Josephine A. Gagnon, CHom
Veterinary and Human Clinical Homeopath
Worldwide Distance Consulting
NeuroOptic Specialist | Equestrian Tech
Josephine Gagnon
Horse Health Homeopathic Holistic
Homeopathy for Pets - First Aid
Human and Veterinary
Josie, thank you for ending my lifelong smoking addiction!
Adam C, Austin, TX 🙏
I recently learned of homeopathic treatment thru a friend on facebook. She suggested I contact Josephine Gagnon. We worked together for about one month on my case of Systemic Lupus. I have other conditions within the MCTD diagnosis but the Lupus is the Primary Diagnosis. After one month of treatment I no longer experience the pain, anxiety, and uncertainty of my future and my health. With each new day, I am grateful and hopeful and feeling better. The medicine I take (one dose monthly) is easy to take, no flavor or side effects. I don't know why medical doctors are not trained in this medicine. My rheumatologist is wonderful but had no answers/tools other than toxic and dangerous drugs which he warned me about.
The time that Josie put into my case is astounding. My blessing to all dedicated and hard working homeopaths in the world. The cost of this assessment is minimal in proportion to the results! My hope is that others will contact Josie as she treats worldwide. I am local in San Diego but most of my case was done by email and then video interview. She also reviewed all of my labs and was very helpful in explaining them to me. No one else has done that.
I can't thank you enough!
Cynthia M, San Diego, CA
I suffered for three years with worsening pancreatitis. I went to every specialist in my state. No one could help me with this condition. I found NewVisions Health online and took a look at the testimonials. I then scheduled a short consult to discuss my case. From there the treatment was Constitutional. Within one month most of my symptoms abated. My current blood work showed so much improvement in all of my values. My doctors are stunned.
I had reservations about working with a homeopath as my friend tried it once and got NO results. I see now it is all in "who" you choose. As Josie told me, this is the medicine of EXPERIENCE not product. A practitioner only becomes a homeopath after about 20 years of experience. They are not made in a school, only in practical clinical experience.
Too bad the insurance companies do not respect homeopathic treatment. If they did they could save billions.
My thanks into eternity. I will recommend you to everyone!
Jason S, California
I had no choice but to get the jab because of my job. I just couldn't afford to lose my job. I am a single Mom raising 3 children. After the shot, I lost most of my voice and sense of smell. I started having heart problems. Thanks to Josie all has been restored. I just wish I hadn't had that shot. Warning to All. I am currently looking for a new position.
Thank you,
Jeana M, CT
To provide some background, I am an herbalist. I have zero experience with homeopathy aside from using pulsatilla to turn a breech baby in 2020 (my stubborn son, it worked perfectly. My husband got a 9lb baby turned vertex after 39 weeks!)
Elizabeth T.
Josephine Gagnon Homeopath, helped me with cardio/hypertension issues. I was on heavy, daily, meds/drugs that were causing dizziness to the point of falling. I am in my 80's with osteoarthritis. I cannot afford a fall. My doctor then put me on more drugs to help the vertigo side effects. These drugs made me sick to the point of vomiting after only the 3rd dose.
After one month of non-toxic homeopathic treatment with Josie, I was able to get off of the drugs that with such horrible side effects.
It is 8+ months now since I started the treatment with Josie and I continue to do well without the drugs. I have lost 10 pounds, effortlessly!!!
Additionally, my dr has repeated my lab work and the items that were off on the last ones (esp. kidney) have balanced. My doctor says my blood work is better than hers! "whatever you are doing, keep doing it" was her response.
How come she, as the doctor, can't do this? There is something very wrong with our medical system. I think the wrong person has the "Doctor" title.
With thanks from my Heart! :) Melissa M., Carlsbad, CA
I'm a lead singer in a local rock band. I lost my voice and no one could figure out why. I tried everything to get it back. Thank you Josie for restoring my voice! I had lost all hope before I found you. Thank you Matt for suggesting homeopathy.
Rock on Josie!!! You are the real superstar!
James T., San Diego
OH my gosh people - please read my testimonial!
My friend Patty (San Francisco) recommended a gemstone/crystal therapy/consult with NewVisions Health/Josephine Gagnon Homeopath. She suggested this to try and help me with a terrible trauma I suffered about 2 years ago. Well, when she suggested it I actually chuckled :) She has been known to recommend some very airy fairy people/practitioners. I went ahead and tried it as it was a special deal for the summer (July only). It was fairly quick and painless. Within about one week I started to notice that I no longer dwelled on the incident, much much less fear and anxiety. I had been seeing a therapist for over a year with no change - other than a big bill !
Josephine explained to me (very scientifically) how the remedies work (Quantum Physics etc etc) Quite a lot of information. I am a biologist but even for me it was a lot! This is a true practitioner who is knowledgable in all sciences! As well as the art of the science she is treating with! She is also extremely intuitive. I've never found a practitioner that uses both sides of their brain - equally. Astounding.
I cannot express my thanks. I barely even remember the terrible incident today. Thank you Josephine for who you are and the care you gave me!
Best wishes to you always and I will recommend you to others!
Sally M, New York
I had a very swollen prostate gland. The doctors weren't of much help to me. and I kept getting referred to one doctor or the other with no results.
My horse coach recommended I contact Josephine Gagnon. She recommended we treat “Constitutionally” I was a little hesitant and didn't much like filling out the extensive Form. I thought it was a waste of time. I was very wrong about it.
I am so glad I decided to do with it. Within 30 days my prostate was back to normal (to the wonder of my doctor) I’ve never felt better in my general overall health. I am 67 yrs. old. All of my Gratitude. I recommend Josie and her detailed, comprehensive and very scientific care to anyone and everyone. Of all the medical doctors I have seen in my life, including my personal general practitioner which I like very much, not one of them took the time out to explain my lab work/blood work or urinalysis to me. Josie did all of the above and I believe understands the labs far and beyond any medical doctor. Thank you!
Glen G, La Mesa, CA
I want the whole world to know that Homeopathy works! That is, if you treat with a practitioner that is dedicated enough to search for the real cause and works so hard to achieve a cure. I had terrible arthritis that was crippling. I suffered massive periods of depression and couldn't even get simple household chores done. Even cooking a meal or washing dishes was out of the question.
I decided to try homeopathy as I have tried all the rest of the healing arts with NO success or cure. My friend recommended Josephine Gagnon. She sent me an Intake Form which took me a few days to complete. Then, we did a FaceTime interview. Very lengthy and detailed. The amount of detail that went into my individual assessment was astounding to me. And that anyone practitioner cared that much!
I've never had a practitioner, doctor, or anyone else spend this amount of time with me and be so interested in finding the CAUSE of why I was so sick! It was truly amazing and eye opening.
Since my treatment, I have had Josie out to treat both of my mares. Both have recovered nicely without toxic vet drugs. I have referred Josie to other horse friends and will continue to do so. People need to know about this medicine and a practitioner that cares, completely and in every way.
Josie, thank you for the work you do. You don't charge nearly enough for it! What is a cure worth? Love and Thanks Always, Jen G., Rancho Santa Fe, CA
I am writing this review/recommendation for my Mom. She is in her late 80’s and suffered life long kidney stones and other issues. The regular doctors just wanted to operate at the slightest symptom/problem. My Mom has had so many operations and I believe many were unnecessary. But, we had no other choice, until now. Josie Gagnon treated my horse with skin issues (life long) which resulted in a full cure.
So, I decided to have her treat my Mom as I could not imagine another operation at her age. Within 3 months of treatment my Mom has never felt better. She no longer experiences the sharp pain, urinary issues, and other. Improvement continues. Her cataracts have cleared a bit and we are hopefully this will continue.We are forever grateful and hope other people will try homeopathic treatment.
Thank you from my entire Family, Josie. Whatever health needs we have we will consult you FIRST.
Beth A., Colorado Springs, CO
I used to go for lymph drainage every 6 months. I hated it. My best friend recommended I get treated with a homeopath, Josephine Gagnon. I had tried a couple of local homeopaths with little to no success in the past.
I was unsure as I had read online that homeopathy does not work and that it is a placebo. I just wasn't sure about trying anymore homeopaths. I also was worried about being treated by an animal specialist :) And I was unsure about a distance phone/video consultation. My friend convinced me as she has gone through the treatment for her severe menses pain, etc. All with very good lasting results.
Well, I was proven very wrong and so was the internet!
I was treated Constitutionally and within 4 months my lymph system has improved so much! I don't have to go through lymph drainage/massage anymore!
My overall health has improved much as well. Particularly my Eyesight!
And I don't worry about lymphatic cancer as I did for so long.
I am so thankful and would recommend Josie to anyone in the world. Currently, I ham having her treat my cat and dog. The vets are of no use with the issues they have. Additionally, I want to mention that no other homeopath, only Josie ever asked me to send over lab work to review. Not one. All said that it was not important in the treatment. Hmmmm....they should go back to school. From my understanding of what I have read so far it is important and a long time ago all homeopaths were medical doctors! Wish that was still the case.
I can't thank you enough, Josie. Love and Hugs Nancy M., Sedona, AZ
I want all to know that homeopathy works! Don’t believe the lies on the internet. The key is finding a well trained and experienced homeopath.
I had terrible Diabetes that was not being managed or cured with conventional treatment. I consulted (by video) with Josephine Gagnon in California. Within a month of treatment I was no longer requiring insulin. My life had changed - completely - in one month. Physically and mentally. My outlook is positive now for the first time in 20 years. I am so glad I went through with the detailed process of treatment. A very small price to pay for a CURE. My doctor was very upset and worried when I told her of my treatment. My doctor nearly fell over when we repeated my "perfect" lab work and glucose test. May God Bless and hold you in his keep forever!
China A., Montreal, Canada
I suffered with nightmares, anxiety, fears of all kinds for nearly 15 years after a brutal attack at my college. I tried counseling (which helped a bit) but I just couldn’t move past the trauma. My aunt recommended homeopathic treatment. I did not know what that was at first. Nor, did I want to go through a distance consulting process with someone I did not know or meet in person.
I am soooooo glad I decided to try it. Josie was so caring and understanding. In my homeopathic interview I cried all the way through. She listened patiently and asked me more details about my nightmares, anxiety, and fears. The questions were ones that I had hoped other medical professional would ask me, but they never did. For the first time, I felt like someone HEARD me and was working hard to help me instead of just nodding there head and writing something down.
It is about 6 months now from the start of treatment. Every month I continue to improve. My nightmares are almost NONE at this time. I don’t have any anxiety that is obvious as it was. I don’t fear certain places, people, etc. I feel myself getting stronger every day. I don’t know what I would have done without this miraculous medicine and kind and experienced professional. There is no way I can describe how grateful I am ! What took therapist and psychologists 15 years (with little to no results) took a short a very short time with Dr. Josie. Yes, Doctor is what she is! Ann S., New York, NY
I had a severe eating disorder which NO one could help me with. I must have tried 10 different psychologists/counselors over the course of about 25 years. Nothing worked.
Until I did a detailed assessment and treatment with Josephine Gagnon.
It took us 2 and a half hours on the phone but in the end every issue was addressed. Many of which the counselors never even touched upon. I was astounded at how much. Josie dug deep into my childhood and other times which was a bit difficult. But, in the end it was well worth a little pain and emotional discomfort to confront the traumas of my youth.
I no longer suffer an eating disorder. Josie also pointed me in the direction of a dietician to help me further in establishing the correct diet/food for myself.
Additionally, all the physical issues I suffered my entire life (mainly severe headaches) has all improved. I’ve had one minor headache in the past few months. They used to be daily and very severe. Causing me to take toxic pain drugs and further damage to myself.
With Gratitude. This country should recognize homeopaths as DOCTORS. This one is a True Doctor! Emily G., Utah
I just wanted to share our experience...Our cat, Samy, has had asthma since he was 7 months old. He was diagnosed one month after his rabies vaccine. We were told by our conventional vet that there was no cure, and that he would need steroids, anti-inflammatories, inhalers, etc. These all came with undesirable side-effects. I found Josephine through facebook group Homeopathy for Pets. We worked with her for 5 months, peeling away each layer of damage that was done to him via conventional medicine and vaccines. I am happy to report that Samy has not had ONE cough in 2 months! Josie was amazing...She was so kind and patient with us. She was incredibly generous with her time. I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a holistic way to help their pets! She is now helping us with another cat who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. I can't say enough about her abilities as a true healer. We are so grateful!! Sandy Morrell, CA
Josephine Gagnon is a very detailed and knowledgeable homeopath. She understands the science of homeopathy and recommends remedies after carefully considering the totality of symptoms and personality of the animal. She was able to help me bring about a cure for an acute condition that appeared in my 14-year-old dog this past summer. She also helped me address a more chronic issue with him (regarding his cardiovascular system). The acute condition completely disappeared, and I am still working with her recommendations using low potencies to address his cardiovascular system. These remedies have allowed him to continue to do his daily activities. As weather permits, he goes on daily 30-minute walks with me, he loves wandering around outside with his younger siblings, and he is quite playful at times. I am so happy to know that he can live his life optimally with the gentle healing of homeopathy. I am also honored to know Josephine Gagnon and consider her to be a highly experienced homeopath (and I plan on working with her if needed in the future). One thing I will stress is that when working with homeopathy, you find someone that has studied this science for many years and honors its principles. I have previously worked with a veterinarian homeopath (one who had taken a few classes in veterinary homeopathy) which resulted in more harm than benefit. It is a red flag if such a practitioner recommends homeopathic prophylactic remedies (e.g., using thuja after vaccination). I have learned it is always best to focus on the symptoms at hand. Josephine understands this, and it makes me happy to know that knowledgeable and caring homeopaths like this are still honoring the true healing capacity of homeopathy today.

We rescued several horses recently. Two of them had very severe behavioral issues. We were just at the point of giving up when a fellow horse owner suggested we contact Josephine Gagnon as she specializes in Equine Homeopathic Care. We did the Gemstone Therapy Consult and Treatment.
Within ONE week both horses calmed down and we were able to actually start some training with them. One of them would not allow us to touch her feet. She stands still now with no problems! I cant believe it. Thank you Thank you Josie!!! Our entire family is grateful (esp. our ranch manager) and I will recommend you to other horse people.
God Bless, Jamie L, Colorado
From Tabitha Daniel - Thank you!
I wanted to share an update on our 14 yo cat, Rocky, who has cancer.
On July 1, '23 he suddenly became sick. Lethargic, fever, not eating, couldn't eliminate, and was puking clear mucous. All this progressing throughout the day. He was miserable. On July 2nd we made an ER vet visit. We found out he has chronic lymphocytic leukemia. This was a shock to us. He's an indoor only cat and had never really been sick. The ER vet prescribed anti-nausea meds, and also offered steroids to start palliative care! What!? She suggested an oncology vet visit since we refused steroids, and steroids would actually hinder any treatments going forward. We did not know what lay ahead.
Before the ER visit I posted here asking for suggestions based on symptoms having NO CLUE of his cancer. Of course my post was deleted. A couple days after his diagnosis, I found it would take 1.5 months, at the earliest, for any oncology vet to see him. That long not being treated? To me that was unacceptable. So I posted here again, updating with his diagnosis, and a plea for nausea help.
Josephine Gagnon explained to me that our cat needed immediate attention and as she pointed me toward info I was pouring over her files. I quickly grasped from that info that I did NOT want to give something that would harm him in my lack of knowledge thinking I was helping him. He was miserable. My desires were to support and comfort him, so we jumped on to the opportunity to utilize Josephine for an acute workup. Within an intense day we had an assessment back on what to start him on. I had items here that allowed us to start asap under Josephine's instructions.
The next morning, I was seeing signs of new life in Rocky. Where he had been feeling bad, he started greeting me in the kitchen for food. That was joyous to see.
Rocky has been under Josephine's care now for 1.5 months, where we also moved forward with her chronic/constitutional assessment to fully address his long term needs. In that time his full old self has returned. All his normal habits resumed in stages. From morning greetings, to requesting food and water (he's a tub faucet drinking addict now), to climbing stairs, to whacking the dog, to playing, and finally to grooming.
He's done so well in how he feels and acts, and even gained .5 lb, that we decided to continue his treatments via homeopathy, and we are opting not to see an oncology vet. We don't desire chemo. Our regular vet has seen Rocky (follow up from ER vet), and she agreed to drawing any labs Rocky requires for any test kits Josephine needs. Such a blessing!
We've tested Rocky for the feline leukemia virus, just to rule out causes of his condition. He is negative. We also did Vit D and B12 testing through Josephine to check for deficiencies. Reading in her files you will find info on the importance of testing for this. Our regular vet had no way of testing D3 levels, and B12 only through a huge panel. So, it was a no brainier to use the simpler route Josephine provided. Rocky is severely deficient in D and about moderately deficient in B12. So in addition to the needed homeopathic remedies for his case, he is now on Vit D3 and B12 supplements (drops easily added daily to his food).
My entire family is just amazed how quickly Rocky started improving in how he felt through homeopathy. He is chronic, which we were told by the regular vet means he would have 6 months to a year max. We shall see how he accepts and transitions going forward with homeopathy. Other than having a need for sensitive food now, we'd have no clue he has cancer. Soon we shall be testing him to better monitor his progression.
We are a very natural family. I sleep at night knowing we are supporting Rocky's body the best we can as he transitions through this disease. He may be tiring of so many kisses from us, but I certainly enjoy him speaking to me and having had his quirky self return.
Back on July 2nd, the ER vet gave him at most 6 weeks with steroid support in palliative care. But, I'm learning that his symptoms then were probably a secondary infection that just allowed us to find out about his cancer. They were giving us his demise based upon those symptoms making me feel he was near death and needed palliative care asap. I'm so glad I refused that route. Secondary infections will be a concern since cancer makes his immune system weaker. However, I know he's the best he can possibly be seeing how great he's doing each day as we follow the progression of remedies Josephine is laying out for him.
I'm so grateful for the intense attention to detail, the explanations, and the hand holding Josephine has provided. I've used homeopathy for acute people conditions for 24 years, and a tad with our pets. I am learning I know nothing, and I don't wanna guess at things and unintentionally cause my pets harm. I needed help in grasping that, and the info in all the files spoke clearly and served me well (and still do).
Sorry this got so long. I just wanted to explain where we were, what happened, and where we are now.
Feline Chronic KIDNEY DISEASE / Failure - STAGE 4
Hello, his name is Holstein. He's almost 14 years old. He is the most tolerant, kind and gentle cat I have ever known. He has been diagnosed in July 2021 of stage 4 CKD. He was lethargic, not eating much and lost quite a bit of weight. My regular vet basically gave up on him saying it would just be keeping him comfortable. I seek Josie's help for homeopathic treatment. We saw improvement within a few days of giving him the different homeopathic remedies. It works wonder by itself and in conjunction with other holistic treatment. He's slowly gaining back his weight now, eating well and have more energy, including chasing lizards in our regular walks outside. We recently took him to the beach and he loves it. Thank you so much Josie for the continuing guidance and help with Holstein. We appreciate it very much.
Please see photo from July (on left) - December (now) He continues to improve. Vets gave him only 35 days to live - proved wrong!
Nenita M, San Diego
From fb, Marion Huurman-de Roos. I wanted to share my experience with homeopathy and my horse with SEVERE heaves/COPD or horse asthma.
I have been treating him for the last 5 years with different kinds of herbal remedies. Tincture, dry herbs and supplements.
I searched all Italy and other country. No one could help my dog.
I found Dr. Josephine online search. She overnight shipped me remedies for my dog. He has recoved full to no surgery.
Grazie dal profondo del cuore
Marco G, Roma Italia
We live in a very highly populated Lyme area and even with vaccines , our dogs test positive for Lyme. In the past , we have done the 30 days of doxycycline and that didn't always clear them. I hated using the harsh medicine. My 11 year old tested positive for anaplasmosis and Lyme this past time. I had contacted Josie and started the protocol she sent to us, along with my others just in case. I am very happy to report that my Karman was retested and now Lyme and anaplasmosis negative . No harsh antibiotics to tear up her stomach. No side effects at all with Josie's protocol. Thank you Josephine 😊
Lana M.
We struggled with our dog's seizures (grand mal) for years. We gave the toxic drugs from the vet, they helped a little but he still continued to have the violent seizures. Every time we visited the vet they wanted to "up" his meds. I knew I had to find another way.
Our family felt hopeless as we watched the horrific seizures as they came, and came often. A co-worker suggested I contact and work with Josephine. I was skeptical as I had never even heard of homeopathic medicine. And what I read online about it said it was just a placebo water! Well, it cured my dogs horrific seizures and he is doing so well overall it is just amazing! No more toxic meds!!!
Our entire family cannot thank you enough Dr. Josie!!! We are humbled by this incredible medicine and will spread the word.
Janine D, Minneapolis
I would like to thank Josie for her kindness in caring for my dog. Unfortunately, I found homeopathy too late. She treated our Henry in the last few weeks of his life - and I have to say it was a God send. I wish I had known about homeopathy and Josie long before his illness. The care, attention and detail she put into treating him and bringing comfort to ALL of us was astounding. He passed in peace and comfort. When I and my family are ready for a new member to our family, we won't wait to have homeopathic treatment. As soon as we know the dog's personality we will have Josie prescribe a Constitutional remedy to keep healthy. There are no words to express our gratitude
The McGuiness Family, New York
I'm writing this to let everyone know that homeopathy is real. That is, if you can find the right practitioner. Luckily we did! Our dog Howie was diagnosed with Lymphoma 8 months ago. We figured this was the end! We were not keen on toxic conventional treatments when we saw a post on facebook by a member of a group that suggested Josephine Gagnon. We were amazed at her knowledge and experience, not only in homeopathy, but with cancer in general. She was able to find the correct treatment for Howie. It was quite a process and well worth it. We would do it all again 10 times over if needed. And the goal is a cure over time. Josie believes we caught this just in time for treatment.
The cost was minimal compared to what we would have paid in conventional treatment. We have NO insurance. He is doing so well now. His blood labs improve each time. We are beyond grateful to this amazing practitioner who is so passionate about healing. She treated our Howie like he was her dog! Amazing. Thank you from our entire family but especially from Howie.
The Millers, Phoenix AZ
Tabitha Daniel
It's been one week since we gave Clover the initial single dose of her gemstone remedy. We are seeing improvements daily. The intensity of her reactions/fear has been reduced by half, and even more in some instances. She's been willing to go on short walks out of our yard, which she had refused to do for the past 3 years. Clover was even able to stay calm during some fireworks and Charlie, our cat, came and settled down right beside her. Charlie never comes around Clover outside of joint feeding times. How awesome!
Thank you!

Update March 3, 2025 from Tabitha Daniel
Our dog, Clover, has been using the gemstone remedy since this past August 2024. She receives a monthly dose. We are continually seeing a reduction in her reactivity/fear of sounds, and improving in her willingness to venture out of our yard on short walks. During both Christmas and the New Year, fireworks took place for several nights in a row with our city celebrations (very close to our house). Clover made an initial bark to the bombarding sounds, and that was it. She listened intently, and remained sitting quietly beside me. No frantic pacing as in the past. Clover has also never liked water, and we've always had to lift and force her into the tub for a bath. During her last bath, she hesitated at the tub but after a few minutes she jumped in by herself. This was a first, and a pleasant surprise for us! A couple days later my daughter was running the bath for herself, and Clover trotted into the bathroom and was going to jump into the tub again! That impressed me. We are glad we pursued the gemstone consult with Josephine for Clover. Her progress has been steady.
She also seems more centered and calm. I thought this remedy/medicine might be one of those that make dogs drowsy, etc., but no, everything else seems improved as well. I can only assume that it will help her overall health as she is soooooo less stressed.
Thank you Josie you are a God send. Jan M, Oregon
Our dog Downey is 6 years old now. Starting at the age of 2 he started to get corneal ulcerations in his eyes. We have spent so much money on vets, specialists, I don't think I would dare to add it all up. He has received so many antibiotics both topical drops, ointments, and oral antibiotics. Very toxic drugs and has taken them long term. Finally, a friend suggested homeopathic help with Josephine. Within 2 months of treatment (every day he got better), he no longer has corneal ulcerations! She also suggested a couple of gut products to repair his gut after all the antibiotics. Downey is doing great! Not only does he NOT have eye issues, overall he looks so much better and feels better. His coat is shiny, he is moving better, his eyes are bright; no discharge, etc. etc. We couldn't be happier. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! We will recommend you to all pet owners.
Janet C and Family, Indiana
Last Saturday I attended this lady's class, Homeopathic First Aid for Horses, that I learned about in the below group. Josephine Gagnon is a Veterinary and Human Clinical Homeopath who does worldwide distance consulting. An absolutely fascinating woman, with 30yrs of experience, who lives right here in the U.S.A.
Audrey Regis
1st Aid Acute Remedy Kits
Josephine, thank you for all the help your remedies have given me.

Crist Henderson
I have 11 horses. For many years I relied on conventional vet treatment only.
I knew something was wrong as my horses continued to suffer after the vaccinations and the drugs. Tired of it!
After a wonderful review-referral from a fellow horseman I decided to try homeopathy. I had Josie out to Kentucky. It took about 3 days to convert all 3 barns and "my thinking" to the homeopathic way.
My horses now enjoy health, non-toxic prevention instead of vaccination and I am spreading the word.
We have NewVisionHealth kits in every barn and also a customized equine kit.
A very small initial investment that is now saving me loads!
Additionally she changed the way we treat the crops on the farm. We no longer utilize any pesticides! Great for us and our animals.
So grateful for the transformation. My horses thank you!
D. Colbert, Kentucky
Update on my pixie who has beat euthanasia three times

"My" First Introduction to Veterinary Homeopathy - As a Conventional Veterinarian I am an equine large animal veterinarian in clinical practice over 30 years. I will not post my name here for fear of backlash from the veterinary community/colleagues/veterinary boards, etc. I want to write this testimonial as I have deep respect for Josie and her work. I want people to understand that homeopathy, with the right practitioner can be life saving and extremely effective. It was proven to me. I first met Josie over 2 years ago onsite at a clients barn. I and another vet were there to treat life threatening severe injury from fall. Both the horse and rider suffered fall / injury. Josie was there to treat both. I have to confess I didn’t quite understand, at first, what Josie’s role was there or homeopathic medicine being able to help at all. Within one hour after the first administration of homeopathic medicine the horse showed significant marked improvement to my amazement. Josie described to me what energetic action had taken place again, to my continued amazement. After 3 days both the rider and the horse made full recovery under Josie's care. My treatments did nothing, unfortunately. Nor did the efforts of the other vet. All we could do was monitor vitals. The other vet was quite hostile to Josie and the medicine. The owner having to step in and ask the vet to behave or leave. It was truly sad to see a professional acting in this manner. What Josie endured during that appointment is beyond description. It turns my stomach to think about writing it. Absolutely appalling. Josie remained focused on treatment, monitoring, and remained kind and respectful to the vet. Her only response to the hostility was, I have just as much right to be here as you do. No practitioner should have to endure any such treatment. I am so ashamed of my fellow colleague and her behavior. Since, Josie has described to me other such incidences (with vets and MDs) which again, I am truly ashamed of my colleagues. If I was a younger man I would return to school and study veterinary homeopathy. Anyone that decides to treat with Josie, you are in the most capable and kind hands. I know, as she treated my bum knee. Now, after 20 yrs of struggling to bend it in the course of my large animal work - I no longer suffer. Doc C.
![]() Testimonial: Hi, if anyone has any doubts about the effectiveness of these remedies, I would just like to rave about the amazing results achieved by homeopathy and Josephine Gagnon. My dwarf Nigerian goat called Bambi (pictured below) suffers from CAE, a debilitating contagious viral disease that in his case manifests in such severe arthritis that Bambi was virtually crippled and struggled to walk. Bad as this was, Bambi then showed up last October with a deep chest wound between his front legs that refused to heal. He's a very special individual so crazy as it seems, we spent thousands of dollars since January sending him to vet hospital, then many, many at-home vet visits, until the vet, seeing no apparent change, suggested homeopathy as a last resort. Enter Josephine Gagnon. Bambi’s wound with deep pockets of infection which had persisted, unchanged, despite over 9 months of treatment has in a matter of weeks fully filled in to everyone’s amazement. Best of all he is running, bucking and rearing up, clashing horns with his goat buddies. This feels positively miraculous considering that not so long ago, he could barely hobble and was leaning against walls for support. I have also started homeopathy with my two laminitic IR horses and their results have been equally fantastic. I am now enthusiastically recommending homeopathy to anyone who will listen. From now on it will be the first thing I turn to, rather than a last resort when the vastly more toxic forms of Western medicine have failed to produce a cure. And no one could be more attentive than Josie in advising and following up on her consultations. It's all about the results, rather than the money, but still, I can't help feeling I could have saved thousands if I had known about her first. This is Bambi yesterday, back to his old self, climbing on our utility vehicle.
Lorraine Campbell, Colorado Two Horses, Cushings Disease, Laminitis, Etc. Morocco & Sugar ![]() ![]() This is my second testimonial: After great results from treating my goat Bambi, I asked Josephine Gagnon to do full chronic consultations for my two horses Sugar and Morocco. Sugar is 19, diagnosed with IR/Cushings which has resulted in more than one bout of laminitis. Prascend seemed to help but she still went lame again in the fall. Morocco is a 4 year old Spanish mustang who became laminitic, apparently from too-rich hay, and to my great dismay could barely walk from that and the resulting abscesses. His blood sugar results came back high, with x-rays showing some coffin bone rotation, and I felt he had a strange bloated look to his body. Well, after some weeks on the remedies, I could not be happier with the results.I have been able to take Sugar off Prascend with no ill effects and most amazingly her coat has all shed out for the first time in years. Her entire shape has changed. She actually looks and feels fantastic. She's much happier in temperament and more willing to participate with the herd whereas before she would be very aloof and chase off any horse who came close. (I think it's not coincidence that the Cushings/laminitis developed not long after her beloved daughter / herd mate died.) Morocco also looks much better and is no longer pinning his ears, lunging as he guards his food, but willing to share a hay pile with his buddies. He is moving out beautifully on our paddock paradise track, trotting without problems, instead of lagging behind in a painful effort to keep up with the herd. The changes I see from their homeopathic treatments are not only physical but mental/emotional as well, which makes sense as Josephine treats the whole animal, taking into account many factors including temperament, not just the symptoms. As if I wasn’t already convinced, I had a bodyworker work on Sugar today and remark that she had undergone a huge energetic shift, wondering about the cause. So now, of course, the bodyworker is ready to contact Josie about her horse too. After three amazing successes, (including the goat), the homeopathic route will always be the one I take first now. If you are thinking about it or hesitating, all I can say is go for it. Don't dabble or guess but invest in a consultation with a proper homeopathic vet. Josie could not have been more thorough or caring with her questions, feedback, and follow-up adjustments. We all know how often conventional Western medicine, although sometimes unavoidable, can be expensive or potentially toxic. If you can get half the results I have with homeopathy, it is totally worth a try. I don't believe you will ever regret it. Morocco is the black, and Sugar the grey, her coat woolly before treatment. I will try to post a later photo afterwards.)
Lorraine Campbell, Colorado CONFUSION AND FEAR - Breast Cancer
I am disgusted with the vets! I have been paying for high priced blood work, ultrasounds, etc for Baby Girl, my 11 yr old Shih Tzu female whom I thought might have breast cancer initially. No one at 3 vets/specialists offices could explain the confusing diagnostics/blood work. All they could recommend with complete certainly is to have everything (4 breasts) removed! And right away! To the tune of $3,000+. She had lymph node (masses) swelling near 3 breasts and cysts.
No one helped us until I found Josephine Gagnon. She was able to tell me exactly what the labs meant and was able to treat Baby Girl. The lymph nodes and the breast cysts were gone in ONE month! The cost to me was about $200 for extended acute treatment. I will no go further with Josie and have her treat Baby Girl Constitutionally so that the breast congestion does not happen again. A $365 cost I would gladly pay several times over! Additionally, all the vets could point at was that my dog was "in tact" they had a real issue with me because I didn't have my dogs reproduction/hormonal organs removed. I had another female dog that was spayed and she did get breast cancer. Not sure what their point is, other than unnecessary surgeries. Baby Girl could have suffered through a huge surgery and a painful recovery. Who knows what side effects as well. Thank you so much for your help, patience, and your deep love of all animals!!!
Forever Grateful, Janet and Baby Girl Washington D.C.
Martha Baldwin I just wanted to share the incredible healing my cat experienced with homeopathy. Linus developed some sores on different areas of his body, the most alarming in an armpit. I took him to a local vet, who said it looked like an allergic reaction. The vet could not give us any idea what the allergen could be, however, and prescribed antibiotics. I reached out to Josephine Gagnon and she patiently worked with Linus for many weeks until Linus healed completely. I never used the antibiotics. I'm so grateful for the gentle healing power of homeopathy and Josephine's skill in treating our beloved animals.
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CANINE BREAST - Lindsay Whitehead, FL January 4 at 8:18 PM - Facebook My sweet, 15 year-old American Eskimo has a chronic bleeding nipple issue. It is so strange- Seeing a conventional veterinarian couldn’t give me answers or solutions without a biopsy, and mostly likely surgery. That wasn’t something I wanted to put her through, especially after having emergency pyometra surgery the year prior. Della has other ailments that are being treated, as well. The nipple was my just main concern, as she was leaving blood all over the place. Something just didn’t seem right. It’s been four months since Della started her homeopathic remedies. The bleeding is down about 80% from what it was before. She seems to be more “there” mentally and literally sprints around the neighborhood EVERY, SINGLE DAY. (She didn’t do that before.) I can hardly keep up with her, she is now 16 years old!!!! I can’t imagine where she would be if she hadn’t gotten such amazing treatment by the knowledgeable and caring, Josephine. I didn’t realize she treated humans until reading this page, I’m definitely going to get treatment as well! Me and Della are SO grateful for all the help and guidance She is feeling GREAT!!!! Homeopathic Worming - Equine/Livestock CHICKEN Unhealthy Egg Testimonial:
I got in touch with Josephine when my 7 yr old Easter Egger hen, Amelia, laid a deformed egg. I don't have a pic of the egg, but it was kind of an elongated water drop shape. I cracked the egg open and seen a lot of blood. I emailed Josephine immediately wondering if there was anything that could help. I figured something had gone awry in the reproductive tract somewhere along the line before the shell was formed. I'm glad I didn't wait and started treatment immediately. Josephine advised me to start treatment with a remedy I had gotten from her previously while she put together a combo remedy to ship to me. I purchased a consultation and gave her the background of Amelia. The first day of the combo treatment Amelia laid a normal shaped egg and the inside was normal too. In 10 days she laid four normal eggs, which is totally amazing for a 7 yr old girl. Normally it would take two or three months to get four eggs from her. Even the light green color is uniform over the whole egg rather than kind of blotchy like a few were before.
I would advise to not wait to get a hold of Josephine if something comes up with your critters if it's not a total emergency. I believe if I would have waited, things may have turned out differently. Josephine is very thorough in assessing the animal and the problem, and the remedies come in only a couple days after she mails them out. Very fast! She answers questions in a timely manner and gives options on dosing, whatever works best for parent and patient.
Josephine is my first contact when things get out of sorts with my pets. I'm fairly new to homeopathy, but I believe it's the best way to go for treatment. My best advice is to not wait until things get worse to email Josephine.
Here is Amelia sunbathing and photos of eggs before and after treatment. Michel C. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Birds - Incurable Virus
Paralyzed Bunny - Full Recovery
This comes from my horse group member Crist Henderson: I dosed CC one time (Gemstone Remedy), last Saturday and she worked a half mile in a very good time. Four days later, the only thing I can say is that she's more of everything good in her training. Energetic, willing, loving to train.
Thank you!
Before and After photos: