Chronic - HUMAN - Full Workup and Treatment
This is a full in depth whole person (mental/emotional and physical)
Chronic workup and treatment. It includes an evaluation of all chronic conditions, a review of symptoms & current complaints, research into past medications and treatments, a review of diagnostic information & medical records, and the development of a treatment plan. In some cases, additional research time by the practitioner is needed. This is discussed in the course of assessment.
My practice is Result Based. I work an initial case (daily if needed) until we reach significant results. Followup consults will be discussed, as needed, if needed. All cases are individual.
Please see my Human and Veterinary Testimonials on "My Story" section of this website. I have formal training in both and have 30 years of clinical treatment experience, in both human and veterinary cases.
Upon purchase of the consult, an intake form will be sent to you via email on the same day. A phone and/or video interview may be needed.
Please allow at least 2-4+ weeks for chronic analysis and prescribing.
Overall treatment may take up to 2-6 months. Each case is individual. Cost of this consult covers complete assessment and initial treatment approx. 1+ month.
Remedies are not included in cost of this consult. They are fairly inexpensive.
Proper Homeopathic Treatment provides the best possibility of cure. We do not suppress symptoms in homeopathy as allopathic medicine can do and does. We address the original "root cause" of what you are suffering.
This process is time consuming and sometimes can take hours if not weeks. But, it is in this detailed and thorough investigation that can contain the cure.
Proper Classical Homeopathic Treatment offers the best curative results in most cases. There is no separation between mental/emotional and physical. There is always a reason why one is ill. Suppressing the symptoms does not provide a cure. All current medications, if necessary, can be taken alongside Homeopathic remedies if needed.
I welcome and work with all treating Medical Doctors, Mental Therapists, Physical therapists, and all holistic practitioners including Naturopaths.
I offer an a 15 min. phone consult if you wish to discuss your case before moving forward. Please feel free to contact me thru the website contact sheet.
Change or Refund Policy (All Consults): All purchased or completed consults are non-refundable after 5 days. Minimum charge for treatment/communication within an acute consultations $65 (this can vary depending on time spent) within 5 days. Within 5 days, changes in consult type or refunds are subject to a $35 service charge, per consult.
Thank you